Awesome to meet you, I'm Tom,

I'm an award-winning professional photographer who specialises in photographing EVERYTHING!

My work focuses on capturing a moment in time, whether it's portraiture, lifestyle photography, or just the perfect light. My clients include a variety of local and international businesses, magazines and online marketing and publications.

People often ask what inspired me to go from being in banking & finance to becoming a professional photographer. The answer is and has always been a very easy one to give. My dad. 

My dad was a photographer before the age of the compact digital camera and mobile phones with cameras built in. (actually before mobile phones altogether, but don’t tell him I told you that!). An age where the red light above the door of a dark room really did mean Do Not Enter. I grew up surrounded by lenses and celluloid and quickly developed an appreciation for the minute details required in editing, lighting and colour.

My Dad gave me an old Nikkormat 35mm to use when I was 15 on a family trip to the lake district, I was taking pictures of anything and everything. I entered and won a local competition but unfortunately after college I left my camera on a shelf for many years collecting dust. Now dust free, it gets the odd run out.

I have always been fascinated by the level of emotion a picture could evoke. To take a moment in someones life and imprint it forever. Although throughout my adult life I have worked in a variety of industries I have always needed a creative outlet, eventually picking up my camera again, I now never leave home without one of them on me just in case I got the opportunity to capture a memory.

I love that I have worked on a variety of commissions, covering all genres of photography depicted in my portfolio.

Photography is my passion and I am lucky and privileged that it is now also my career. I will always hold dear the things I learned from watching and listening to my dad and every photo I take is for him. Utilising the best kit in my experience including Canon, Elinchrom & Broncolor to assist in creating my images.

CLICK HERE for a little clip about me on one of my favourite photoshoots for Curve Theatre poster artwork depicting The Importance of Being Earnest.

Get in touch with me to find out how I can help you create something amazing! 

My contact form is here to discuss rates, scheduling and more.

Check out what people have to say about me - CLICK HERE


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